Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Weekly Journal 33

A frightening experience:

     I've never had a frightening experience because since I was little my parents taught me not to be afraid of ghosts or anything like that. I can watch horror movies and I'll be probably afraid of it, but in real life, I don't remember having experienced any frightening experience.

Weekly Journal 32

Your worst habit:

       Generally, I tend to have bad coping mechanisms and habits. However, I am trying to replace them with positiveness and mental health. I think my worst habit is blaming myself for everything.     Everything that happens in my life I tend to blame it on me. For example, if something doesn't go as expected, I blame it on me because something must have gone wrong in my organization. If I can't make friends or meet people easily is my fault because I am too shy. If I weigh more, is my fault because I've eaten too much. Despite all of that, I don't really try to remediate it: I don't force myself to speak to people nor eat less.
      Nowadays I am trying not to blame myself for everything and not to blame anyone because some things are no one's fault. 

Weekly Journal 31

A special day or event in your life:

       I remember clearly the day I got my final marks the last day of  Bachillerato.  That year had been sorrowful and depressing for me; I hardly went to school or home. I didn't want to go to class because the only thought of seeing people and being with people there was a nightmare. The first two trimesters went quite well; I studied Science Bachillerato because my family wanted me to become a doctor even if it wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. However, the third trimester I was really unmotivated to do anything. I didn't go to school or meet my friends, and my mom and teachers were really worried about me and my future. They decided to take me to the school counselor so she could see what happened to me and all that. What I wanted to study was something related to languages because I am crazy about them. It would be really hard to get mark enough to enter Translation and Interpreting, but English Studies really caught my attention. Since I was really tired mentally, I decided to take a year without going to college, but working and saving up money so the following year I could prepare myself to enter English Studies.
      That trimester I failed four subjects in the end. Nonetheless, I felt really motivated to recover all my mistakes and keep trying to do what I really wanted to do.
      The last day of school, I went to see my qualifications and my average mark. What a surprise when I saw that my average mark was a 9 and I got a scholarship for my college's first year because I had been one of the highest marks in my school.
       It made me really happy that I remember that day clearly. I called my mom to tell her that I wanted to try and do Ebau that year and go to college because that event motivated me to keep going.
       Right now, I am here, studying what I wanted and, even if going to college with all that people is hard because of my social phobia, I am trying to overcome whatever hinders my way and my dreams.

Weekly Journal 30

A special gift you have given or received:

      I love dancing and I've always loved it. To me, dancing is like breathing, I need it to survive. When I was a child I didn't like to go to academies because I was too shy to dance in public and I don't make friends easily either. I always danced in my room, very careful that no one had seen me. The only person that had seen me dance was my sister.
     As I was growing up, my interest in dancing remained the same, but I wouldn't say to anybody. My first experience dancing in public was in the last year of school and I got told that I danced well.   However, when we performed I kept watching the floor to avoid people's gazes.
     In high school, the first two years, there were some activities related to dance in which I put a lot of effort. I got recognized as a great dancer by my classmates and that felt really good.
One of my best friends told me once to join her in a dance class in an academy and I loved it so much that I went home and told my mom how cool it had been.
     The following month, my mother told me that, even if it was a little expensive for us, she wanted me to dance in that academy and I was really euphoric.
      Notwithstanding that, as the year passed by, I developed asthma and dancing became quite difficult for me because my lungs couldn't stand much effort. Also, I started having pains in my feet without a reason. I decided I was going to do the final performance and then, quit.
      Even if it was hard for me to quit dancing, I knew that asthma, the pain and the money we could save were more important. For me, it was a really special gift that my mom gave me for a year and I will never forget about it, even if it was ephemeral.

Weekly Journal 29

Music that is special to you:

     The music that is special to me is the one whose lyrics get to my heart or those I feel identified with.
     Since I was young I've liked listening to pop music and artists like Ed Sheeran, Little Mix, Imagine Dragons, Katy Perry, etc. However, two years ago, by casualty, I discovered BTS. I was really depressed at that time and, after an argument with my friends, I went home and got locked in my room. When I feel sad, I usually watch videos on YouTube or series on my phone and that day I watched a video of one of my favorite YouTubers in which she was reacting to K-pop (industrialized Korean music). The only group that caught my attention at that time was BTS.
      Even if I didn't know what their lyrics meant, their sound caught me. Then, after reading their lyrics about loving yourself, speaking up, fighting against unfairness and mental illnesses, I fell in love with them.
      Since then, their music relieves me every time I listen to them. I have become a better person and I have entered a fandom which everyone says is toxic, but I don't think so. BTS and the music they write, produce and compose, inspires people to do better things, to do humanitarian and environmental projects to help the world.
      In conclusion, their music means a lot to me and makes me really happy and motivated to do everything I propose myself to do.

Weekly Journal 28

A favorite possession:

     It may seem too materialistic, but my phone is my favorite possession because of many reasons. Since I am a lover of music, inside my phone I have more than 450 songs that I can listen to wherever and whenever I want. Also, with it, I can locate myself in order not to get lost anywhere. Moreover, with my phone, I can watch multiple movies and series. Not only that, but I also read books or communicate with other people. Furthermore, I use it to make lists of the things I need to do and be more organized. Finally, since I like to write books and stories, inside my notes I write all my ideas and plots. To conclude I want to say that nowadays, having a phone as your favorite possession doesn't mean you're a materialistic person, of course, I appreciate other things like my family, friends or pets, but I don't consider them a possession, so if I have to choose something, it is my phone.

Weekly Journal 27

A story from your childhood:

     Today, I would like to tell the story about when I learned to ride a two-wheeled bike. I was really young, about 6 or 7 years old. My dad always encouraged me to do sports and close to my town, there was a really small village called "Pueblo Nuevo".
     We started going there to play football or basketball because there was a velodrome where you could practice whenever you wanted.
     The day my parents bought me my first bike, I was so happy. It had four wheels because I still didn't know how to ride it. We would go there every weekend with my new bike and I started to learn little by little.
     One day, a few months later or so, we went there and I saw a boy riding a bike with only two wheels and I told my dad I wanted to try, so when we came back home he unscrewed the two extra wheels my bicycle had.
     At first, he helped me a lot holding it from behind so I didn't fall. However, that bike became too small for me and we went to buy one considered for big kids and I was so excited to be one of them. I loved that bike and still do. I fell a lot of times, but when I finally managed to control it, I used it to relieve stress or bad concerns. I would ride around the velodrome really fast for a lot of time while my dad took care of my sister in the playground.
     I remember that experience as one of the most memorable of my childhood.