Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Weekly Journal 30

A special gift you have given or received:

      I love dancing and I've always loved it. To me, dancing is like breathing, I need it to survive. When I was a child I didn't like to go to academies because I was too shy to dance in public and I don't make friends easily either. I always danced in my room, very careful that no one had seen me. The only person that had seen me dance was my sister.
     As I was growing up, my interest in dancing remained the same, but I wouldn't say to anybody. My first experience dancing in public was in the last year of school and I got told that I danced well.   However, when we performed I kept watching the floor to avoid people's gazes.
     In high school, the first two years, there were some activities related to dance in which I put a lot of effort. I got recognized as a great dancer by my classmates and that felt really good.
One of my best friends told me once to join her in a dance class in an academy and I loved it so much that I went home and told my mom how cool it had been.
     The following month, my mother told me that, even if it was a little expensive for us, she wanted me to dance in that academy and I was really euphoric.
      Notwithstanding that, as the year passed by, I developed asthma and dancing became quite difficult for me because my lungs couldn't stand much effort. Also, I started having pains in my feet without a reason. I decided I was going to do the final performance and then, quit.
      Even if it was hard for me to quit dancing, I knew that asthma, the pain and the money we could save were more important. For me, it was a really special gift that my mom gave me for a year and I will never forget about it, even if it was ephemeral.

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