Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Weekly Journal 31

A special day or event in your life:

       I remember clearly the day I got my final marks the last day of  Bachillerato.  That year had been sorrowful and depressing for me; I hardly went to school or home. I didn't want to go to class because the only thought of seeing people and being with people there was a nightmare. The first two trimesters went quite well; I studied Science Bachillerato because my family wanted me to become a doctor even if it wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. However, the third trimester I was really unmotivated to do anything. I didn't go to school or meet my friends, and my mom and teachers were really worried about me and my future. They decided to take me to the school counselor so she could see what happened to me and all that. What I wanted to study was something related to languages because I am crazy about them. It would be really hard to get mark enough to enter Translation and Interpreting, but English Studies really caught my attention. Since I was really tired mentally, I decided to take a year without going to college, but working and saving up money so the following year I could prepare myself to enter English Studies.
      That trimester I failed four subjects in the end. Nonetheless, I felt really motivated to recover all my mistakes and keep trying to do what I really wanted to do.
      The last day of school, I went to see my qualifications and my average mark. What a surprise when I saw that my average mark was a 9 and I got a scholarship for my college's first year because I had been one of the highest marks in my school.
       It made me really happy that I remember that day clearly. I called my mom to tell her that I wanted to try and do Ebau that year and go to college because that event motivated me to keep going.
       Right now, I am here, studying what I wanted and, even if going to college with all that people is hard because of my social phobia, I am trying to overcome whatever hinders my way and my dreams.

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